Thursday, October 9, 2008

Amanda's Wake.

Minimal information. Snabba conscious of what the crap is around? I can't believe the heater noise is so loud, it's louder than this mute button. Yoso button of this magnacarta is exponentially bigger than my - what what say?

Drowning dogs voices out there, what is going on? They stopped barking about a minut- there it is again. Vicarious demon dogs of my backyard snapping at my mailman...the mail man...simi-man.

I was walking outside when.

Was just looking at this ting that was someelis out domb drum shaffer. You'lis crumb from the front tree branch. At least I know it's sunny outside.

While I am sitting here I might as well make good watch and time myself for my thought's and present the tuylous of the magoritous sand wish aloof to like; shutup.

Why was I watching this anyways? I don't remember this episode at all. Wait, is this the one? Oh, I hear a car. It was two car -- Is this the one where the dad gets angry for Rob skipping school? This is boring and mindle.

The last thing I remember from a minute ago is the hand gestures they were making on the black keys. Why are they black? My inside eyes are going fuzzle. When I close my eyes, it's like I see white things dancing like. Let's use a different w. Cancuddle of the watery trail called basilcava.

There goes that blasted heater again. Sounds like a low drum of a wheelbarrow. Tumble tumble tumble while things are bumbling around. It. What now. It's your friend; tell it to be quiet too you brutus apple. I'm hungry. Inside the paper bag from the store is where I found some old food for breakfeast. It is done. Gut hide rotery abounds the rea-reap jugga-jug jee. At least I get to practice my words.

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