Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Valentine's Day: girls get presents, but what about guys?

Flower's, boxed chocolate, stuffed teddy bears, cut out cards, jewellery, all of the many things that women recieve on Valentine's day. So what do the girls get the guys? I don't know.

I've heard some guys think getting flower's on valentine's day as a reversal thing is cute and sweet, but I'm pretty sure most guys think that flower's are for girls; so then what? What can us ladies get you guys?

I've been thinking about this for some time, and I can't really come up with a lot of suggestions. I think I have two...maybe three.

1) Make him a mix CD with his favorite genre of music in love songs
2) Bake him dessert
3) Make him a card

Yes, not very in depth, but these do take time to do, and I believe something is even more valued when the significant other spent a lot of time doing it.  I'm going to post a list of love songs that people can use for mixes later, but for now, what are your suggestions? What can girls give their guys on Love day?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Valentine's Day: Setting the Bar to Impossible

Romance is key for a great Vday, as this video has shown us.   

Happy Valentines Day

I know what some of you ladies are thinking. Wow. That guy went to a lot of trouble to show his girl how much he cares for her, how sweet! And I know what most of you guys are thinking. Wow. That guy totally screwed himself over.

The key to a great Vday is to do something practical that is possible to top or match for future Vdays to come. If you do something as elaborate as this, you will have her melting in your arms; you'll also be expected to match/top this next Vday. BE WARNED. If you start high, you have set the bar, and you'll never be able to go below it. If you're up to the challenge, that's great! Personally I suggest to start simple and then work your way up to avoid disapointment. 

The lady of the man who made this video is going to be surprised next year when she just get's a box of candy and a "well I did to it last year" remark. 

Could have saved yourself a lot of trouble dude and just stuck with roses and candy for your first Vday experience together.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Valentine's Day: Intro for Men part III

The final part to this merry tale. I hope you don't take these too seriously.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Valentine's Day: Intro for men part II

If you think you qualify as a certified male from the first video, then here is a follow up lesson.

Men Anonymous: Step Two

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Past Life: Grade 12

I love organizing emails into seperate folders and then leaving them to shimmer. The fun of it is when I forget about them and then reremember them a couple years later. I love reading old emails and old conversations from old friends; it's insightful about their character then and now. I find it also helps me figure out who I used to be when I didn't think I knew who I was. 

I was browsing through a folder for my friend Darryl - we had become penpals in highschool from a christian penpal site - and it surprised me how frank I wrote about myself. From reading it, I feel like I was much more articulate then than I am now and I wasn't even aware of it. It's kind of inspiring. I'm not saying it's some intelluctual thing because it's not, but everything I said then is still applicable now. It's funny how insightful your past self can be to your present.

"yeah, i have told my friend about Christ and everything, she goes to my youth and she's a catholic. I don't know though, she's stubborn haha we've  had good talks about God but there's certian things she believes that i can't change her opinion on, she will just have to learn herself. I don't even understand some of her views, it's strange; but i love her anyways. unfortunatly, she has made me immune to certian conversations, i am asshamed to say. it's hard you know, living in a secular enviroment, being a christian, expecially when there isn't a whole lot to encourage you,. sure theres church, and youth and christian friends, but it gets dangerous when it starts to become a routine; like it is for me. It's like i'm in a horrible repititive cycle and i don't care. it's hard to get out of, holy  moly is it ever. I'm still in it, and that's why i'm stoaked for the summer where i go to camp. i'm hoping it will help me grow closer to God. it's not like i have lost my way, but more like my flame. I mean everyone does, and maybe it's because grade 12 is so darn busy that i have "no time" for God,  which is aload of crap in a bucket, but thats what it feels like. I feel like i'm standing still and my life is just passing for me, llike i don't even have a say. And also like we were talking about before, the want for a relationship. i don't deny that i want one, but when i let it get in the way of my relationship with God, then i'm going over the line i shouldn't. doesthis make sense? who knows."  19 Feb 2005

Valentine's Day: Intro for Men

I've decided I'm going to post a blog every day up until Valentine's Day about relationships, love, or being single. Don't worry, 80% of the time (all the time) it's going to be video's that will help us understand the opposite sex and/or love. It will also help us understand humor.

When I used to explore the vastness that is myspace.com, I came across a guy who I believe (for the most part)  does hilarious videos. Thank goodness for us that most of them are about relationships.

Here is the first video of a nice introductin course on how the guy is different from the woman, and if he wants a lady how he needs to proceed in order to woo/impress/keep her.  

Pre-Valentine's Day

And this is why I have told Matt never to propose to me in public or on Valentine's Day.

Going to be honest, that really sucks. Also going to be honest, that girl has courage.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Lend me an idea.

I'm planning on submitting a proposal for an exhibition at an art gallery, and the deadline for submitting is March 6. Seems far away in retreospect, but that's not just the deadline for the title of the proposal, it's also the deadline for the works that I am proposing to be finished. I am aiming for 10 or so paintings... that's a lot in a month. The art peeps usually like a theme, and I need one fast that can work with my ideas, and preferably with some works that I have already started. It's a rush because what I create depends on the theme I choose, and I don't want to choose a theme where I need to stretch all my creative endeavors into making excuses why a certain piece fits with the theme "The house resembles the building struggle of man and nature which reflects the struggle between the tide and the ocean...cough...". 

So here are some groupings of paintings/mixed media ideas I came up with (They aren't detailed so  when reading they seem kind of lame...just go with it):

saving yourself  
saving money
saving people    (obviously these three would be part of a collection)

flying low heron over cars
atop the dump  with a kite
ferris wheel with yellow balloon
saving virginity
white rhino (made with paper bags)
thread men putting in light bulb  (thread and paint)
squirrel crossing telephone wire
bicycling (crayons and paint)

I have a couple finished paintings and it would be great to try and fit one it; that would mean one less painting to do!:

button tree
crow with blossoms
reflection in water

These are some theme idea to work with some of the ideas/finished works:

childish dreams
mere child's play

I'm leaning towards mere child's play, cause I figure I can probably fit more in there. I can fit some works in there that would consist of media that children would use ie. crayons, buttons, paper bags, along with deeper/lighter meaning ones.

 Suggestions or thoughts?