Monday, December 1, 2008

Recap of November

Because I didn't blog a whole lot in November (*cough*), I'm just going to recap what happened/what I learned/have come to realize in the month of mystery and no shaving.

1. I learned when looking to buy a house, ask if the water supply is well water. If so, decline. You don't want to be smelling sewage when doing your laundry.

2. I've learned I'm still mourning.

3. I've decided that I'm going back to school for a couple of classes in January. I can't stay away, I miss education so.

4. Chelsea and I decided to start our own cleaning company so we can reap all of the profits and not work as much. Lazy? I call it clever.

5. I've learned that Benylin and other cough medicines have little effectiveness (money wasters!) and that inhalers prove to be more effective for coughs.

6. Christmas is going to be different this year. It is also going to be potentially expensive.

7. I still want to buy a pretty dress...okay maybe a smokin' dress. One that doesn't smoke, but makes other people want to start when they see it.

8. I have a lot of things I still want to do before this year is over.

9. Some people have proved to be not what I had previously expected. 

10. If you suck at time managing, I think you should stay away from set designing. Set's are suppose to be done before the show opens.

11. Screamo concerts can rock hard, and even the non-hardcore can find a way to enjoy them. If it takes a pair of earplugs to be able to have fun, then so be it.

12. Family Guy has lost it's flare.

13. I orderd the first three seasons of Degrassi. Ya...maybe not proud of it, but I know plenty of people who will watch it with me. I'm not saying names. (By the way Shane, I just got the first two seasons in the mail today, so this weekend we should watch it! Tell Janelle.)

14. Even famous people live in messy homes.

15. I miss people who are far away from me.

16. My hair is green. I need a hair cut.

17. There is a woodpecker who finds my house quite tasty.

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