Saturday, September 27, 2008

Blogging again? She CAN BE TAUGHT

In all honesty, I forgot blogging existed. Shanethejew reminded me of it when he recommited himself to writing once a week on his blog after an overdue absence.

blogging...what the...right.

I remember the days when I used to blog fairly frequently on myspace up until the point when I stopped using it because facebook took over the face of the planet. Today I glimsped at some of the stuff I wrote, and I remember how much time I put into writing them. I'm quite tempted to post them into this blog just so that my many hours of writing them won't be they make me laugh. But I think for now I'm going to start a whole new blog slate, and until I have absolutely nothing to say, I will refrain from posting old material.

But, if the time comes where I don't feel like writing something new, you bet your blingbling that you'll be seeing some of my old life posted at a present time.

edited: oh snap, I can back date blogs...which is what I'm going to do with
my myspace ones, but not all of them...only the ones that make me laugh or that
have some sort of importance.


Anonymous said...

hahahahaha I look pretty young but I'm just back dated yeeaaaaaahhhh

I'm at work. Doing pretty much nothing. WOO. The only thing I'm actively doing right now is trying not to go crazy.

amanda said...

i tried to understand your joke...but i could not.

i also tried to view your live journal, and that didn't go over so well either.